“If you’re going to take a swing, take a really big swing”
“if you never fail, then you're probably not taking enough risk.” - Not my own words, but the words of Rishi Sunak MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, one of the most powerful positions in the country.
I’ll be frank and admit we have failed with this email newsletter, it has jumped around a lot, been different things at different points. I
What we will do going forward …
as well as provide updates on podcast such as future guests and partners, we will also provide an update on other exciting projects that I am working on, after all there’s no point just repeating the podcast in a newsletter.
One of the things is an attempt to save Derby County from extinction…. following being placed into administration by former Mel Morris earlier in the season, they now stand on the verge of liquidation, which would mean a club that has existed for longer than the Statue of Liberty faces extinction.
We have been given a mextensionnstion since that tweet … It has been amazing how the modern world of campaigning works, I have predominantly been in London, but we have been hosting Twitter Town Halls, where we have had over 1,000 people coming in. You can see a video here.
We have raised the issue in Parliament, and we got 10,000 marching through the streets of Derby, that video viewed almost 200k times is here.
It is an extraordinary campaign that I am proud to be playing a small part in, but the fight is far from over and I’ll keep you updated because there can be no doubt that Wayne Rooney and the team are doing their bit on the pitch.
In the next newsletter, I am going to explain how we make money out of the podcast.
If you think a friend or colleague might benefit, please forward it on.
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To the meat and drink …
The Rishi Sunak episode has already had 5x the amount of downloads we’d normally see… And featured in the Sunday Telegraph on p.4
I’ve got a quick rundown of just some of the topics we touch on in this episode in this Twitter thread:
And well there was also some personal news from my interview:
This is the video, would love your feedback on my fledgling career as a YouTuber, certainly not what I thought I would be doing when I left Downing Street two years ago 🤣 🤣
Future Guests
Include Herman Narula of Improbable, on the future of the Metaverse. Herman is one of the most impressive people I ever met when working on No.10, I am so unbelievably excited for this episode. Not least to ask him how he raised $502 million from Softbank - such a specific amount.
You’ll know we always strive to get impressive women on the show (although it is amazing how little we get pitched female founders) Sophie Adelman co founded Multiverse alongside Euan Blair, and is now onto her second start up, The Garden.
We will also be interviewing Ruth Handcock, CEO of Octopus Investments, on how to manage money and how you can take control of it.
Got a guest idea for us? Drop us a line at hello@jobsofthefuture.co
The Best Career Advice
One of the interesting challenges we now have is that we have a massive back catalogue of content, which can be quite hard to discover for people new to the podcast, so we will be highlight some of the pearls of wisdom.
That starts with Pete Flint who suggested that people starting their career should focus on picking a sector over a company, because whatever happens you’ll build knowledge and a network within that space.
Pete founded two billion dollar companies in lastminute.com and Trulia - not only is he very impressive, he is also a kind and empathetic person too.
The video on our YouTube channel is below.
The full piece on how to 10x your career from Pete is available here.
The full podcast episode we recorded is available here.
A big thanks to the podcast’s primary partner, The Octopus Group who are once again working with us for the fourth series
The Rishi Sunak episode was also sponsored by Primary Bid and the Fintech Alliance
Future partners also include the National Farmers Union, if you would like to partner with us, drop us a line and the team can explain the different options and tiers we have available.
What we’re consuming
Jimmy Mcloughlin - Creator, founder, host and chief consumer of Huel
James Kanagasooriam, who was the man that invented the term ‘Red Wall’ seats, has done some fascinating polling around how voters are actually not that interested in companies discussing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) but would actually rather companies focused on staff and customers, it’ll never catch on, piece in The Times.
Leo - Producer, audiogram master, board game enthusiast
Jawad - Researcher, (semi)-professional gamer
What you can do to help spread the pod …
Podcasts rely on word of mouth so if you want to help out that little bit more, why not forward this to a friend?
Get in touch - think you have an amazing guest you’d like me to feature, or are simply interested in a career mentioned on the show let me know. I’d love to hear from you at
Check out the website, the hub for everything Jimmy’s Jobs
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